
Wednesday Nov 01, 2023
Wednesday Nov 01, 2023
Wednesday Nov 01, 2023
Thank you for following Everyday Leaders. If you’ve been following us since 2018, we appreciate your support and look forward to continuing to add value to you if this is the first time you’re finding us, welcome! We are a husband and wife media team based in Indianapolis, IN, and have been helping clients build their marketing and media strategies for over 20 years. I am your host, and my husband Joe, https://Joeakestudios.com, is the producer, director, and editor of the Everyday Leaders media programs, virtual and live event broadcasts, and more. We are excited to bring you a new focus on this platform, celebrating Everyday Business Leaders in our local community. Don’t forget to subscribe to our YOUTUBE Channel, turn on notifications, and never miss an episode! Watch the full LIVE in-studio interview here from JPtheGeek Studio in Greenwood, Indiana: https://www.youtube.com/@MelahniAkeEverydayLeaders Everyday Business Leaders is a program dedicated to elevating our business leaders who inspire us to connect and thrive in our local community.
Today’s Everyday Business Leader is Zyler Ogden and Christie Ogden
Every day, we can help bring awareness to this critical topic.
Thank you, Zyler Ogden, for all the work you are doing at Chasing Sunsets, Inc.
Chasing Sunsets, Inc https://www.wrtv.com/news/local-news/randolph-county/randolph-county-boy-uses-grief-to-spur-mission-to-open-dialogues-on-suicide
In this article, suicide prevention is mentioned.
If you are struggling with your mental health, please reach out and call the National Mental Health Crisis Hotline at 988. Mackaillah was just 13 years old when she took her life Mackenzie Pickerrell is the Executive Director of the Girl Coalition of Indiana, a subsidiary agency under the Girls Scouts of Indiana. They focus on girls' social issues and well-being. In collaboration with the Indiana Youth Institute, the agency recently released an unprecedented study called the "2023 Indiana Girl Report."https://girlcoalitionindiana.org/report/
It found of the 36,000 girls in grades seven through twelve who participated in the survey, more than 8,000 reported they seriously considered taking their lives in 2021 and 2022.
A note from Melahni Ake, Founder of Everyday Leaders. When you visit EverydayLeaders.com, you will find valuable resources to become a better leader in your life, including. Women’s Leadership Programs, including Top Floor Women Monthly Networking events, corporate workshops, and strategic business coaching services, discover personal development classes and products to develop yourself, including morning leadership devotionals and more. Order one of my inspirational books, sign up for classes, or pick up some gear in the leader store, listen to the Everyday Business Leaders podcast, apply to be a guest in our studio, or sponsor our show with your own commercial advertisement.
Contact us today at https://www.everydayleaders.com. #everydayleaderschangetheworld #interviews #inspiration #businessleaders #inspiration #jpthegeek #podcast #studiointerview #passiontopurpose #communitybuilding #collaboration #celebration #supportlocal #supportsmallbusiness #maxwellleadership #familybusiness #nonprofit #becauseone #podcast #chasingsunsets #suicideprevention #makeadifference